Degree Name



Germanic and Slavic Languages



Defense Date


Publication Date


First Faculty Advisor

Cindy Brewer

Honors Coordinator

Kristine Hansen


Feminists, Austria, Biography, Allgemeine Österreichische Frauenverein


This is an Internet-based project that will serve as a guide to scholarly resources, including introductory material to texts written by key figures in the Austrian Women’s Movment a the turn of twentieth century. This project is also an overview of the Allgemeine Oesterreichische Frauenverein (AÖFV), or General Austrian Women’s Organization, and its key leaders and publications during its peak years between 1893-1910. The AÖFV was one of the most influential women’s organizations in fin-de-siècle Vienna, changing the face of politics and society for women. The three key figures, Rosa Mayreder (1858-1938), Auguste Fickert (1855-1910), and Marie Lang (1858 1934), and their publication of Dokumente der Frauen and Neues Frauenleben, brought women’s issues to the forefront of social and political thought. Sections included in this project include: an overview of the Austrian Women’s Movement; the AÖFV; biographies of Mayreder, Fickert, and Lang; information on Dokumente der Frauen and Neues Frauenleben; prominent women’s issues discussed at the time, such as prostitution, suffrage, and women’s worker rights; bibliographies of petitions; a list of male authors of Dokumente der Frauen; an essay by the ariadne staff on publications during the Women’s Movement; and images of the women, the publications, and members of the AÖFV. Citations are included at the end of each section. In addition to providing links to the SOPHIE Digital Library and the ariadne database of the Austrian National Library, this project includes numerous bibliographies to primary and secondary sources, which provide a foundation for further reseach on women’s studies. The SOPHIE URL where my project will be posted is

