"Light and Truth: Measuring Unseen Harm in Individuals and Communities" by Hannah Pfost

Author Date


Degree Name



Physics and Astronomy


Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Defense Date


Publication Date


First Faculty Advisor

Robert Davis

First Faculty Reader

Natalie Romeri-Lewis

Honors Coordinator

Steve Turley


Truth Commissions, Historical Memory, NIR Spectroscopy, Monte Carlo, Glucose, Human-Centered Design


While the fields of physics and international development may seem disparate, the insights gained from studying each one of them can improve understanding of the other. Here, I demonstrate that concept as applied to computational optics and historical memory. Thus, the purpose of this project is threefold: (1) to computationally model light transport through tissue, and use that model to inform choices about a physical system; (2) to determine the types of historical memory recommended in the final reports of truth commissions; and (3) to give evidence for the usefulness of human-centered design in both areas. To model light transport, I used a Monte Carlo simulation of light at 1602 nm in tissue. I found that properly focusing the beam of light in a tissue-spectrometer system resulted in a fractional increase of 8.044×10^-1 in the arterial signal-to-shot-noise ratio, with a fractional error of 1.807×10^-2. To investigate truth commissions, I classified coded data from 15 of the national-level final reports studied by the Global Truth Commission Index according to types of historical memory, divided into 58 distinct variables. I found that the most commonly cited form of historical memory, building a monument, was recommended in the final reports of 10 of the commissions studied; 7 commissions recommended public sensitization/awareness programs; and 7 mentioned creating a holiday or a day of remembrance.


