Prose Fiction


Frieda Pfinzner

Name Authority

Pfinzner, Frieda

Information about this work

This text was prepared for the Sophie site by Professor Cindy Brewer’s Winter 2007 German 201 class at Brigham Young University: Denise Avena, Jonathan Brimhall, Craig Cheek, Sarah Denzer, Shannon Francis, Kenneth Dunn, Kelly Garner, Efrain Gutierrez, Kristen Hopper, Cara Jones, Megan Lawrence, Daniela Michálková, Jennifer Mortensen, Julie Olson, Brianna Parker, Jared White, Ann Lewis and Ruth Ann Smith


This work is part of the Sophie Digital Library, an open-access, full-text-searchable source of literature written by German-speaking women from medieval times through the early 20th century. The collection, covers a broad spectrum of genres and is designed to showcase literary works that have been neglected for too long. These works are made available both in facsimiles of their original format, wherever possible, as well as in a PDF transcription that promotes ease of reading and is amenable to keyword searching.

Publication Date



Basler Mission Zürich Frankfurt a. M. Verlag Orient 1912

eine afrikanische Prinzessin translati (1).pdf (126 kB)
English translation
