Swiss American Historical Society Review

Front Matter
Of Mothers, Daughters, and Growing Up The Changing Ties between the Monastery Einsiedeln and St. Meinrad Since 1850
Fr. Thomas Fassler OSB
"Einsiedeln Elsewhere": Searching for a Swiss Village in the American City of Louisville, Kentucky
Susann Bosshard-Kalin
German-Speaking Social and Benevolent Societies in Louisville
C. Robert Ullrich, Victoria A. Ullrich, and Jeffrey A. Wright
Book Reviews
Book Review: Sauerkraut, Suspenders and the Swiss: A Political History of Green County's Swiss Colony
Kevin Cronin
Book Review: Glarners in America: Stories of Immigrants and their Descendants from Canton Glarus, Switzerland
Donald G. Tritt
Book Review: The Honourable Consul: A Story of Diplomacy
Marjorie J. Hunter PhD