"Khirbet Beit Lei and the Lehi of Samson Old Testament and Book of Morm" by Jeffrey R. Chadwick

Religious Educator: Perspectives on the Restored Gospel


Khirbet Beit Lei, Lehi of Samson, ancient scripture, scriptural narratives

Document Type



In the study, appreciation, and teaching of ancient scripture, the disciplines of archaeology, geography, history, and language can often provide helpful and instructive insights for understanding the settings and events of scriptural narratives. The doctrinal and applicative aspects of those narratives may be enhanced by a correct understanding of their ancient backgrounds. But caution must be taken that data and interpretations from these disciplines be used in accurate and responsible ways, and that sensational claims or wishful thinking unsupported by the data not be advanced in our classes nor become part of the teaching experience. A case in point in this regard is an archaeological site in Israel, known in Arabic as Beit Lei and in Hebrew as Beyt Loya. In Latter-day Saint circles many incorrect claims have been made about this site for some fifty years, and some continue to be perpetuated today.
