"The Important Role of Relationships in Our Heavenly Father's Plan of S" by Brian Mead

Religious Educator: Perspectives on the Restored Gospel


Brian Mead


relationships, Heavenly Father, plan of salvation

Document Type



President Boyd K. Packer was a master teacher who spent both his professional life and his personal time in full-time service to the Church, seeking to build faith and testimony in the lives of youth and young adults. As a teacher, he understood the value of providing students with a “framework upon which the truths they discover at random can be organized into a personal testimony.” [1] Because of this understanding, he invited religious educators to begin each year by providing an overview of the plan of salvation. He believed that this overview would “be of immense value to . . . students” because “a knowledge of the plan of happiness, even in outline form, can give young minds a ‘why.’” [2]
