""Knocking on People's Computers" Missionary Work in the Digital Age" by Scott L. Howell, Liberty Howell et al.

Religious Educator: Perspectives on the Restored Gospel


missionary work, digital age, Jesus Christ, bringing souls unto Christ

Document Type



The missionary purpose of bringing souls unto Christ will never change, but the methods of sharing it will. Over fifty years ago, President Harold B. Lee taught that “the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ are divine. Nobody changes the principles and [doctrine] of the Church except the Lord by revelation. But methods change as the inspired direction comes to those who preside at a given time.”[1] In a recent Church News podcast, Elder Brent H. Nielson of the Presidency of the Seventy reminded us that “no matter the method we use to do missionary work: Whether it’s a smartphone, whether it’s finding someone on a bus or finding someone on the street, our purpose never changes. Our purpose is . . . that we invite others to come unto Christ....It doesn’t change because they [missionaries] have a smartphone. Our purpose is the same.”[2]
