""For a Wise Purpose in Him" Alma 37's Implications for Future Generati" by Matthew Scott Stenson

Religious Educator: Perspectives on the Restored Gospel


future generations, Alma 37, for a wise purpose

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After briefly describing and differentiating between his two sets of plates, Nephi writes, “Wherefore, the Lord hath commanded me to make these plates [the small plates] for a wise purpose in him, which [complete] purpose I know not. But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men; for behold, he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. Amen” (1 Nephi 9:5–6). From these words of Nephi we can extrapolate what has been called the “doctrine of providence.”[1] The doctrine of providence, as indicated, is grounded in the understanding that God is all-knowing and all-powerful. Thus, he watches over his children and even prepares a way for them long in advance of any later developments. “The doctrine of providence affirms an ongoing divine concern for and activity in the world.”[2] Using his father’s words, Moroni alludes to this merciful doctrine of continuous providence when he asks his readers, in context with the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, “Have miracles ceased because Christ hath ascended into heaven . . . ?” He goes on to answer, “Behold I say unto you, Nay” (Moroni 7:27, 29). “Though there is no single biblical term for providence, the doctrine is intimately connected to the way in which one conceives God’s relation to Scripture.”[3] The connection between divine providence and the holy records is implied throughout scripture. For instance, God’s merciful providence and watchfulness over all sacred records is suggested in 1 Nephi 9:3, which states that the small plates, according to God’s command, will yet serve a “special purpose” in Him, even if Nephi does not fully comprehend their predetermined, divine destiny himself.[4]
