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Presented is a short history of the occupation of lands currently within and adjacent to the Lytle Nature Preserve, a property owned and operated by Brigham Young University. The property, which is to be maintained in perpetuity for its natural history qualities, is situated in Beaver Dam Wash in southwestern Washington County, Utah some seven miles north of Arizona and one and a half miles east of Nevada. Its natural and man-made features are discussed in detail, as are its management options and changes during its first decade of operation. The Preserve is dedicated to teaching and research. Main management con siderations involve living facilities for the Preserve operator, living facilities for visiting students and researchers, maintenance of the water-right, and enhancement of habitat for wildlife. Main problems are discussed, including recurrent floods, financial considerations, and needs now and for the future.

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Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum


Provo, Utah


The Nature Conservancy, Beaver Dam Wash, Hannah Leavitt Terry, Mohave Desert, John Karl Eardley, Talmadge Lytle

Lytle Preserve (1985–1995), and Short History of Beaver Dam Wash
