Article Title
En Minnesbok, Royal Opera, Jussi, death
Although there were warnings of the illness which took Jussi Bjorling's life, his death still came as a shock and as a hard blow for all his friends. The Royal Opera is mourning its most brilliant singer down the ages. Jussi Bjorling was a good colleague, and he was loyal to the institution in which his glorious singing career began. Although he had not belonged to the Opera's permanent ensemble for many years but had only given guest performances, we all regarded him as one of our own, and he saw himself as one of us and was proud of his artistic origins and of the musical and dramatic training he had received at the Royal Opera, the Conservatory and the Opera School. Speaking personally, I am mourning the loss of one of my oldest friends.
Recommended Citation
Svanholm, Set
"Great Singer Your Spirit Lives On,"
Journal of the Jussi Björling Societies of the USA & UK: Vol. 8:
1, Article 19.
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