Article Title
En Minnesbok, Stenungson
How shall I be able to convey, with mundane words, something of all we experienced together, or describe our various moods, from "Himmelshoch jauchzend - zum Tode betrubt"? The first time I met Jussi he was sixteen years old - a short, unprepossessing, sulky-looking, rather provincial figure, with guileless blue eyes and a marvellous lack of nervousness. And how he sang - even then! He sang perhaps even more beautifully, more naturally, more lyrically than he did later, when he had studied technique with all its pluses and minuses.
Recommended Citation
Forsell, Bjorn
"Stenungson and Other Memories,"
Journal of the Jussi Björling Societies of the USA & UK: Vol. 6:
1, Article 13.
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