"Andrew Farkas" by James A. Drake Ph.D.

Article Title

Andrew Farkas


Andrew Farkas, Jacob Forsell


In any list of debts owed to the founders and members of the prestigious international Jussi Björling Society, the name Andrew Farkas would surely be high upon that list. As almost all members are aware, he is a founding member and advisor of the Jussi Björling Society-USA, Inc., and is a contributing editor of its Journal. Having had the privilege of knowing him as a personal friend and university colleague (both of us are happily retired from the State of Florida higher-education system), and having benefitted (undeservedly on my part) from his wide-ranging expertise as a writer, editor, and publishing-company innovator, I have asked the Journal for this opportunity to write about Andrew, not only for those who may know him but also for those who have not had (but hopefully will have) that singular opportunity.

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