

Sue Flaster


Dalarna, Borlange, Mora, JBS, Swedish safari


The 2007 Summer JBS Swedish safari opened on July 4th in Borlange at the Jussi Bjorling Museum there, a place that some of us regard as the "center of the universe." This year's Museum program was unusual in the emphasis on singers other than JB, and on aspects of Jussi in areas other than singing. Really. Harald welcomed all with good cheer (and a new haircut), and we got a running start on a couple of very full days. Music journalist Goran Forsling gave us a splendid overview of Swedish singers of the past on Wednesday morning, followed in the afternoon by Museum summer staffer Roger Alderstrand, who discussed- with illustrations- Jussi in caricature. Roger's favorites, and ours, were the drawings more clearly done out of a spirit of affection.

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