
Article Title

On Wings of Song


Bertil Bokstedt


Minnesbok, accompanist, Siaro, Jussi Bjorling


To have had the pleasure of being Jussi's regular accompanist over many years is what one can truly call a journey on wings of song. The first such occasion was at Grona Lund in summer 1951, a concert which was preceded by rehearsals on Siaro in a specially equipped studio which looks out on blue firths and an idyllic little fishing cottage. Notwithstanding all wonderful concerts at which I accompanied him, it was there in that studio that I experienced Jussi's most beautiful tones; there he was himself; there, even during the later years, he gave his high C free expression with an exhilaration and a joy which were absolutely incomparable. On Siaro we also rehearsed the opera roles which he would later record, and I learned much from his beautiful phrasing and his great musicality.

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