Article Title
Web Notes, digest, Jussi Bjorling
Welcome to the first issue of Web Notes-a digest version of the many reviews, conversations and informational tidbits about, Jussi Bjorling's life and work that abound all around the Internet. For those of you who already surf the Net, some of this may be familiar. With luck, I may have found a nugget or two that you might have missed. If you haven't yet had a chance to get into the Web, I hope this gives you a glimpse of how Jussi is thriving on the Net, in chat rooms and discussion groups all over, the world.
Recommended Citation
Drake, Madeleine
"Web Notes: A Guide to Jussi on the Net,"
Journal of the Jussi Björling Societies of the USA & UK: Vol. 14:
1, Article 20.
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