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Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP), Depth-Area-Duration (DAD) analysis, Transposition, Moisture Maximization, Dew point Temperature, Rainstorm and Perceptible Water


In this paper a generalized physical approach of estimating areal probable maximum precipitation (PMP) for the non-orographic region of the Godavari river basin has been developed. In this method, highest average areal rain depths of different size areas and duration from the major rainstorms were considered, using 105 years rainfall data (1891-1995). The transposition limits of major rainstorms have been identified. The Depth-Area-Duration (DAD) rain depths were then moisture maximized at its original location of occurrence and then transposed at different grid points. After applying various corrections, Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) values at different grid points were estimated. By using this method, generalized PMP estimates at different locations were obtained and with the help of these estimated PMP values generalized charts for 1000, 5000 and 10,000 km2 areas have been prepared. These PMP maps for different size areas and duration will be very useful for estimating design storm rain depths of PMP magnitudes for any sub-catchment in the Godavari basin whose areas area falling in range of 1000 to 10,000 km2
