

Prahlad Jat

Prahlad Jat, Ph.D.,
     Affiliation: University of North Georgia, Gainesville Campus, GA, USA
     Keywords: Water quality assessment, spatial statistics, spacae/time geostatistical modeling,
                   environmental classification, exposure analysis and risk assessment, Geo-AI
     Email: Send message to Prahlad Jat

Managing Editor

Sudhansu Panda

Sudhanshu Panda, Ph.D.,
     Affiliation: University of North Georgia, Gainesville Campus, GA, USA
     Keywords: Geospatial technology, ‪artificial neural network‬s, ‪climate change, ‪precision agriculture
                   ‪environmental modeling, soil & water engineering, decision support systems
     Email: Send message to Sudhanshu Panda

Associate Editors

Dan Ames

Daniel P. Ames, Ph.D.,
     Affiliation: Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA
     Keywords: Hydroinformatics, open source GIS, spatial hydrology, hydrologic information systems
                   application of GIS to databases & web services for water science, Bayesian decision networks
     Email: Send message to Dan Ames

Gurdeep Singh

Gurdeep Singh, Ph.D.,
     Affiliation: The Climate Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
     Keywords: Data engineering and science, environmental modeling, GIS, spatial hydrology,
                   decision support systems
     Email: Send message to Gurdeep Singh

Huidae Cho

Huidae Cho, Ph.D.,
     Affiliation: New Maxico State University, NM, USA
     Keywords: Open source GIS, metaheuristic optimization, uncertainty analysis, hydroinformatics
                   application of GIS to hydrology, climate change and water resources.
     Email: Send message to Huidae Cho

Shubham Srivastava

Shubham Srivastava, Ph.D.,
     Affiliation: Rheem Water Heating, Montgomery, Alabama, USA
     Keywords: Fluid dynamics, hydrology, energy systems, machine learning
     Email: Send message to Shubham Srivastava