Home > Journals > JEAL > No. 147 (2009)
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No. 147 Journal of East Asian Libraries
Journal of East Asian Libraries
Front Matter
Front Matter
Journal of East Asian Libraries
From the President
From the President
Kristina Troost
Robert Morrison and the First Chinese-English Dictionary
Xian Wu and Liren Zheng
To Separate or Not Separate?: Two Surveys on Asian Collections
Tadanobu Suzuki, Ying Liu, Chelsea Garside, Shailoo Bedi, and Lisa Hill
A Case Study of Web-based Citation Management Tools with Japanese Materials and Japanese Databases
Setsuko Noguchi
In Memoriam
Library of Congress
University of Illinois and Ria Koopmans-de-Bruijn
Council on East Asian Libraries Statistics 2007-2008
Vickie Fu Doll, Calvin Hsu, and Wen-ling Liu
New Appointment
New Appointments
Anna Liang U and John James
End Matter
End Matter
Journal of East Asian Libraries