Aims & Scope | Issues in Religion and Psychotherapy | Journals | Brigham Young University

Aims & Scope

Issues in Religion and Psychotherapy (IRP, formerly the AMCAP Journal) seeks to be an outlet where professionals can submit, for peer review, their writing and research on a broad range of topics relative to the interface of religion, spirituality, and psychotherapy.

IRP is a peer-reviewed journal addressing the interface between revealed religion and psychology; specifically, issues of spirituality and the influence of LDS church doctrine in psychotherapy, including the study of counseling in a spiritual context. It is devoted to influencing the field of counseling and psychotherapy through the study of related scholarship in religion, LDS doctrine, spirituality and ethics. Appropriate manuscripts may be literature reviews, clinical case reviews, research reports, educational program reports, media reviews (books, audiovisuals, Internet resources), scholarly commentary, theoretical or descriptive clinical practice articles, reports of AMCAP Convention presentations, interviews, or letters to the editor. Articles may relate to theories of counseling and psychotherapy, family therapy or social work; or may deal with the application of spirituality or church doctrine to understanding psychological processes or questions of ethical practice..