
equity, diversity, equitable teaching, content connections, language use, OER, EdTechBooks, CASI


The cultural aspects of teacher-child interactions are emerging as key factors in K-6 learning, especially as the diversity of US classroom increases year to year. While there is growing evidence that culturally-connected classroom interactions can enrich development and improve classroom experience, finding accessible ways to teach, measure and improve those cultural aspects of teaching has been challenging, especially because of cost and access barriers.

The purpose of this project was to turn an existing cultural teaching observation protocol (the Classroom Assessment of Sociocultural Interactions, or CASI) into an instructional experience that would be accessible to all teachers. A team of graduate and undergraduate students designed and developed the first third of an open educational resource, hosted on EdTechBooks, that helps teachers learn and practice 2 of the 9 dimensions of equitable teaching. The development team then partnered with local K-6 teachers to evaluate and improve the resource, laying the groundwork for future development of this valuable book.

Streaming Media

Project Type

Design/Development Project

Publication Date



David O. McKay School of Education


Instructional Psychology and Technology



Master's Project or PhD Project

Masters Project

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Additional Project Information

You can access the book here:

You can access a video walkthrough here:
