
Hydrologic modeling; Model metadata; Dublin Core Metadata Initiative; Dublin Core Application Profile


Session A1: Leveraging Cyberinfrastructure to Advance Scientific Productivity and Reproducibility in the Water Sciences

Start Date

16-6-2014 9:00 AM

End Date

16-6-2014 10:20 AM


Computer models are widely used in hydrology and water resources management. A large variety of models exist, each tailored to address specific challenges related to hydrologic science and water resources management. When scientists and engineers apply one of these models to address a specific question, they must devote significant effort to set up, calibrate, and evaluate that model instance built for some place and time. In many cases, there is a benefit to sharing these computer models and associated datasets with the broader scientific community. Core to model reuse in any context is metadata describing the model. A standardized metadata framework applicable across models will foster interoperability and encourage reuse and sharing of existing resources. This paper reports on the development of a metadata framework for describing water models. We discuss steps taken to achieve this goal for the HydroShare system and within the context of a use case that describes a team-based hydrologic modeling project.


Jun 16th, 9:00 AM Jun 16th, 10:20 AM

Metadata for Describing Water Models

Session A1: Leveraging Cyberinfrastructure to Advance Scientific Productivity and Reproducibility in the Water Sciences

Computer models are widely used in hydrology and water resources management. A large variety of models exist, each tailored to address specific challenges related to hydrologic science and water resources management. When scientists and engineers apply one of these models to address a specific question, they must devote significant effort to set up, calibrate, and evaluate that model instance built for some place and time. In many cases, there is a benefit to sharing these computer models and associated datasets with the broader scientific community. Core to model reuse in any context is metadata describing the model. A standardized metadata framework applicable across models will foster interoperability and encourage reuse and sharing of existing resources. This paper reports on the development of a metadata framework for describing water models. We discuss steps taken to achieve this goal for the HydroShare system and within the context of a use case that describes a team-based hydrologic modeling project.