Presenter/Author Information

Dragutin T. Mihailović
Igor Balaž


biological time, functional time, environmental interface, biophysical modelling

Start Date

1-7-2012 12:00 AM


In the classical physics time is a continuous function eternally and evenly flowing as an absolute time dimension. However, the concept of “time‟s cycle” is commonly applied as a metaphor in the biological sciences. First, we shortly elaborated the issue of time in physics and biology and then we considered the term of the functional time that is formed only as a result of consistent change of qualitatively new states of concrete, final material objects and processes. Further, we described a model for signaling in the process of energy exchange between environmental interfaces (EIs), specifically using three EIs that send signals during that process. Finally, we established the functional time barcode which is a representation of the system states through the chronological time.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

An Essay about the Functional Time of Environmental Interfaces Regarded as Complex Biophysical Systems

In the classical physics time is a continuous function eternally and evenly flowing as an absolute time dimension. However, the concept of “time‟s cycle” is commonly applied as a metaphor in the biological sciences. First, we shortly elaborated the issue of time in physics and biology and then we considered the term of the functional time that is formed only as a result of consistent change of qualitatively new states of concrete, final material objects and processes. Further, we described a model for signaling in the process of energy exchange between environmental interfaces (EIs), specifically using three EIs that send signals during that process. Finally, we established the functional time barcode which is a representation of the system states through the chronological time.