Presenter/Author Information

I. Irizar
M. De Gracia


web-based, wastewater, mathematical modelling, optimisation

Start Date

1-7-2008 12:00 AM


Making use of mathematical programming algorithms, a software library (AqLib) has been built for automatically optimising the design and operation of wastewater treatment plants. Currently, AqLib implements seven configurations for nitrogen removal (DN, DN2, RDN, SDN, DRDN, RSDN and DRSDN), five configurations for phosphorous removal (A2O, Bardenpho, Johannesburg, UCT and MUCT), and the anaerobic digestion process. Moreover, an Internet-based service (AqquaStudy) has been deployed so that AqLib can be remotely accessed from any standard web-browser.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

AqquaStudy – enabling remote access to model-based software tools for supporting the design and operation of WWTPs

Making use of mathematical programming algorithms, a software library (AqLib) has been built for automatically optimising the design and operation of wastewater treatment plants. Currently, AqLib implements seven configurations for nitrogen removal (DN, DN2, RDN, SDN, DRDN, RSDN and DRSDN), five configurations for phosphorous removal (A2O, Bardenpho, Johannesburg, UCT and MUCT), and the anaerobic digestion process. Moreover, an Internet-based service (AqquaStudy) has been deployed so that AqLib can be remotely accessed from any standard web-browser.