Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Sand Sea Extents and Sediment Volumes on Titan from Dune Parameters, Karl D. Arnold
West Antarctic Surface Mass Balance: Do Synoptic Scale Modes of Climate Contribute to Observed Variability?, McLean Kent Carpenter
Paterae on Io: Geologic Mapping of Tupan Patera and Experimental Models, Megan Carolee Decker
The First 40Ar/39Ar Ages and Tephrochronologic Framework for the Jurassic Entrada Sandstone in central Utah, Toby S. Dossett
The 1852 Banda Arc Mega-thrust Earthquake and Tsunami in Indonesia, Tsz Man Fisher
Along Strike Variability of Thrust-Fault Vergence, Scott Royal Greenhalgh
Multi-Scale Neotectonic Study of the Clear Lake Fault Zone in the Sevier Desert Basin (Central Utah), Brandon D. Heiner
Facies Analysis, Sequence Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Middle Jurassic (Callovian) Entrada Sandstone: Traps, Tectonics, and Analog, George R. Jennings III
The Nature and Origin of Pebble Dikes and Associated Alteration: Tintic Mining District (Ag-Pb-Zn), Utah, Douglas M. Johnson
Compositional Analysis of Three Clay Artifact Collections from the Southwestern United States, Kathleen R. Kirkham
Tectonics of Saturn's Moon Titan AND Tsunami Modeling of the 1629 Mega-thrust Earthquake in Eastern Indonesia, Yung-Chun Liu
The Bell Springs Formation: Characterization and Correlationof Upper Triassic Strata in Northeast Utah, Skyler Bart May
Comparative Sedimentology of Lake Bonneville and the Great Salt Lake, Kevin Michael McGuire
Normal Fault Block or Giant Landslide? Baldy Block, Wasatch Range, Utah, Eric R. Meyer
Build-and-Fill Development of Lower Ismay (Middle Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation) Phylloid-Algal Mounds of the Paradox Basin, Southeastern Utah, Lincoln H. Reed
Wetlands on the Thousand Lake Mountain Mega-Landslide as Paleoclimate Proxies, Ryan Andros Shurtliff
A New Geophysical Strategy for Measuring the Thickness of the Critical Zone, Johnathan R. Yaede
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
A Bond Valence-Based Force Field: A Multi-Body Approach, Matthew Harris Davis
Digital Outcrop Model and Paleoecology of the Eight-Foot Rapid Algal Field (Middle Pennsylvanian Lower Ismay Sequence), Paradox Basin, Utah, Colton Lynn Goodrich
Exploring Connections Between a Very Large Volume Ignimbrite and an Intracaldera Pluton: Intrusions Related to the Oligocene Wah Wah Springs Tuff, Western US, Chloe Noelle Skidmore
Toward a Better Understanding of Recent Warming of the Central West Antarctic Ice Sheet from Shallow Firn Cores, Jessica Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Mafic Alkaline Magmatism in the East Tintic Mountains, West-Central Utah: Implications for a Late Oligocene Transition from Subduction to Extension, Tara Laine Allen
Mineral chemistry of basalts recovered from Hotspot Snake River Scientific Drilling Project, Idaho: Source and crystallization characteristics, Richard W. Bradshaw
Temporal trends in West Antarctic accumulation rates: evidence from observed and simulated records, Landon Kelly Burgener
Geologic Map of the Deer Point Quadrangle, Garfield County, Utah, Nicholaus D. Driscoll
Self-Organizing Fluid Flow Patterns in Crystalline Rock: Theoretical Approach to the Hydrothermal Systems in the Middle Fork of the Boise River, Scott A. Himes
Three-Dimensional Seismic Study of Pluton Emplacement, Offshore Northwestern New Zealand, Jason Allen Luke
Discriminant Analysis of XRF Data from Sandstones of Like Facies and Appearance: A Method for Identifying a Regional Unconformity, Paleotopography,and Diagenetic Histories, Stephen Paul Phillips
The Role of Case-Hardening in the Development and Preservation of Narrow, Vertical-Walled Canyons in Adršpach-Teplice, Czech Republic, Shawn Austin Wiggins
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Quantification of glacier melt volume in the Indus River watershed, Maria Nicole Asay
Sequence Stratigraphy of Basal Oquirrh Group Caronates (Bashkirian) Thorpe Hills, Lake Mountain, Wasatch Front, Utah, Andrew D. Derenthal
Facies Analysis and Reservoir Characterization of Subtidal, Intertidal, and Supratidal Zones of the Mudstone-rich Entrada Sandstone, South-Central Utah, Tanner Charles Hicks
Identifying Complex Fluvial Sandstone Reservoirs Using Core, Well Log, and 3D Seismic Data: Cretaceous Cedar Mountain and Dakota Formations, Southern Uinta Basin, Utah., William H. Hokanson
Evolution and Emergence of the Hinterland in the Active Banda Arc-Continent Collision: Insights From the Metamorphic Rocks and Coral Terraces of Kisar, Indonesia, Jonathan R. Major
Implications of Dune Pattern Analysis for Titan's Surface History, Christopher Jon Savage
Geologic mapping of exhumed, mid-Cretaceous paleochannel complexes near Castle Dale, Emery County, Utah: On the correlative relationship between the Dakota Sandstone and the Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Amanda Elizabeth MacKay Sorensen
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Sediment Flux Through the Rio Grande River: A Monsoonal Effect, Troy C. Hiatt
Chronostratigraphy and Paleontology of the Mid-Cretaceous Wayan Formation of Eastern Idaho, with a Description of the First Oryctodromeus Specimens from Idaho, Laurel J. Krumenacker
Volcanic stratigraphy and a kinematic analysis of NE-trending faults of Allens Ranch 7.5' quadrangle, Utah County, Utah, Adam Paul McKean
Physical and chemical properties of ice in a main valley glacier and a tributary glacier, Gornergletscher, Canton Valais, Switzerland, Annika M. Quick
First Order Analysis of Nitrate Loading in the Upper Elbe River Basin, Czech Republic, Daniel J. Ritter
Exhumation Mechanisms of the Greater Himalayan Sequence, Garhwal Region, India, Christopher James Spencer
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Variable Uplift from Quaternary Folding Along the Northern Coast of East Timor, Based on U-series Age Determinations of Coral Terraces, Nicole L. Cox
A LA-ICPMS Sr Isotope and Trace Element Study of Plagioclase and Clinopyroxene of the Higganum Dike, Connecticut: Determining the Magma Source of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, Caprise Steadman Harper
Isotopic Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide in Soil Gas in Utah for a More Accurate Input Variable in Groundwater Age Determining Models, Rachelle Hart
Dinosaurian Faunas of the Cedar Mountain Formation and LA-ICP-MS Detrital Zircon Ages for Three Stratigraphic Sections, Hirotsugu Mori
Analysis of Electromagnetic and Seismic Geophysical Methods for Investigating Shallow Sub-surface Hydrogeology, Eric M. Parks
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Geology of the Phil Pico Mountain Quadrangle, Daggett County, Utah, and Sweetwater County, Wyoming, Alvin D. Anderson
Magmatic Sulfur and Chlorine Abundances at Stromboli, Italy and their Role in the Formation of Vesicle-hosted Metal Alloys, Nichelle Lynn Baxter
Contribution of Recharge Along Regional Flow Paths to Discharge at Ash Meadows, Nevada, Michelle Bushman
Geochemistry, structure, and tectonic evolution of the Eldivan ophiolite, Ankara Melange, central Turkey, Anne Dangerfield
Wolfcampian Development of the Nose of the Eastern Shelf of the Midland Basin, Glasscock, Sterling, and Reagan Counties, Texas, Douglas S. Flamm
A Conceptual Model OF Groundwater Flow in Spring Valley, NV, AND Snake Valley, NV-UT, Jeremy Micheal Gillespie
A Microanalytical Approach to Understanding the Origin of Cumulate Xenoliths from Mauna Kea, Hawaii, Megan Pickard
Investigating the margins of Pleistocene lake deposits with high-resolution seismic reflection in Pilot Valley, Utah, John V. South
Using Geoscience Education Graduate Students to Help Faculty Transform Teaching Practice, Teagan L. Tomlin
Pre-Eruptive Conditions of the Oligocene Wah Wah Springs Tuff, Southeastern Great Basin Ignimbrite Province, Kurtus Steven Woolf
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Pre-Historic Landslides on the Southeast Flank of the Uinta Mountains, Utah: Character and Causes of Slope Failure, Todd D. Bradfield
Mapping Middle Paleozoic Erosional and Karstic Patterns with 3-D Seismic Attributes and Well Data in the Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma, Alonzo R. Brinkerhoff
The rate and timing of direct mountain front recharge in an arid environment, Silver Island Mountains, Utah, Gregory T. Carling
Reservoir Characterization and Outcrop Analogs to the Navajo Sandstone in the Central Utah Thrust Belt Exploration Play, Ashley Dalrymple
Solute Chemistry and Isotopic Investigation of the Groundwater Flow Paths in Honey Lake Basin, Lassen County, California and Washoe County, Nevada, Rachel M. Henderson
The Smallest Base and Precious Metal Deposits in the World: Vapor Transport and deposition of Co-Cu-Sn-Ag alloys in vesicles, Elizabeth Adele Outdoor Hunter
The Origins of Four Paterae of Malea Planum, Mars, Susan K. Larson
An Approach to Mapping of Shallow Petroleum Reservoirs Using Integrated Conventional 3D and Shallow P- and SH-Wave Seismic Reflection Methods at Teapot Dome Field in Casper, Wyoming, Anita Onohuome Okojie-Ayoro
Banda Forearc Metamorphic Rocks Accreted to the Australian Continental Margin: Detailed Analysis of the Lolotoi Complex of East Timor, Carl Eldon Standley
Structural Analysis of Rock Canyon Near Provo, Utah, Laura Cardon Wald
Origin and Tectonic Evolution of Gondwana Sequence Units Accreted to the Banda Arc: A Structural Transect through Central East Timor, Elizabeth Anick Zobell
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
The Provenance of Eocene Tuff Beds in the Fossil Butte Member of the Green River Formation of Wyoming: Relation to the Absaroka and Challis Volcanic Fields, Matthew R. Chandler
A Stratigraphic and Geochronologic Analysis of the Morrison Formation/Cedar Mountain Formation Boundary, Utah, Brent W. Greenhalgh
A multidisciplinary approach to reservoir characterization of the coastal Entrada erg-margin gas play, Utah, Will D. Monn
Mineral-Scale Sr Isotopic Study of Plagioclase in the Mafic Dikes of the North American Wall and the Diorite of the Rockslides, Yosemite Valley, California., Wendy Rae Nelson
Garnetites of the Cardigan Pluton - Evidence for Restite and Implications for Source Rock Compositions., Teresa K. Pett
Petrogenesis of Eocene-Oligocene magmatism of the Sulphur Springs Range, central Nevada: The role of magma mixing, Elizabeth Balls Ryskamp
Geologic Map and Structural Analysis of the Twin Rocks 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Wayne County, Utah, Samuel C. Sorber
Detection of a Landslide Glide Plane Using Seismic Reflection Methods: Investigation at Little Valley Landslide in Draper, Utah, Brady E. Tingey
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
A Conceptual Model of Groundwater Flow at the Midway, Utah Fish Hatchery as Constrained by Geochemical, Physical Hydrogeological, and Geophysical Methods, Camille Durrant
Effects of Hurricane Fault Architecture on Groundwater Flow in the Timpoweap Canyon of Southwestern, Utah, Sarah J. Dutson
Elevation, Longitudinal Profile, And Schmidt Hammer Analysis Of Strath Terraces Through Capitol Reef National Park, Utah: Bedrock Channel Response To Climate Forcing?, James L. Eddleman
Mapping and Kinematic Structural Analysis of the Deep Creek Fault Zone, South Flank of the Uinta Mountains, Near Vernal, Utah, David A. Haddox
Relationship Between Fault Zone Architecture and Groundwater Compartmentalization in the East Tintic Mining District, Utah, Sandra Myrtle Conrad Hamaker
Geologic Map of the Golden Throne Quadrangle, Wayne and Garfield Counties, Utah, Daniel H. Martin
Geology of the Tierras Blancas Area in the Southeastern Acambay Graben, Central Mexico, Lonnie T. Mercer
An Improved MUSIC Model for Gibbsite, Scott Christian Mitchell
GPS Velocity Field In The Transition From Subduction To Collision Of The Eastern Sunda And Banda Arcs, Indonesia, Hendro Nugroho
Upper mantle reflectivity beneath an intracratonic basin: insights into the behavior of the mantle beneath Illinois basin., Maxwell Sunday Okure