Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 59, Number 1 (1999)
Front Matter
Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming, USA: distribution and zoogeographic affinities
Bret O. Huntsman, Richard W. Baumann, and Boris C. Kondratieff
Riparian vegetation along the middle Snake River, Idaho: zonation, geographical trends, and historical changes
Mark D. Dixon and W. Carter Johnson
Temporal patterns of seedling emergence and early survival of Great Basin perennial plant species
L. David Humphrey and Eugene W. Schupp
Butterflies of the Toquima Range, Nevada: distribution, natural history, and comparison to the Toiyabe Range
Erica Fleishman, Dennis D. Murphy, and George T. Austin
Classification and ordination of the alpine plant communities of Railroad Ridge, White Cloud Peaks, Idaho
Carla A. Richardson and Douglass M. Henderson
Throughfall volume and chemistry as affected by precipitation volume, sapling size, and defoliation intensity
T. D. Schowalter
Factors associated with wetwood intensity of Populus fremontii (Fremont cottonwood) in Arizona
T. S. Hofstra, J. C. Stromberg, and J. C. Stutz
Blow flies (Diptera, Calliphoridae) of Idaho: an annotated checklist
Donald R. Brothers
New distributional records for spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) in Wyoming
John Priday and Bob Luce
Sorex monticolus in shrub steppe habitat in the northern Great Basin
Jason Sutter, James C. Munger, and Daniel A. Hengel
End Matter
Full Issue