Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 48, Number 1 (1988)
Front Matter
Seasonal changes of selected secondary plant products in Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. turbinatus
D. F. Hegerhorst, R. B. Bhat, D. J. Weber, and E. D. McArthur
Agonistic behavior of the California ground squirrel, Spermophilus beecheyi, at an artificial food source.
Pedro Durant, Jim W. Dole, and George F. Fisler
Migrating Mormon crickets, Anabrus simplex (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), as food for stream fishes
Harold M. Tyus and W. L. Minckley
Comparison of regression methods for predicting singleleaf pinyon phytomass
Robin J. Tausch and Paul T. Tueller
Reproductive characteristics of two kokanee stocks in tributaries to Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Utah and Wyoming
Bradford G. Parsons and Wayne A. Hubert
SEM analysis of Utah Equisetum stems (Equisetaceae)
Robert B. Warrick
Fire history of Paunsaugunt Plateau in southern Utah
Steven J. Stein
Use of interstate highway overpasses and billboards for nesting by the common raven (Corvus corax)
Clayton M. White and Merle Tanner-White
Field observations of Irbisia pacifica (Hemiptera: Miridae): feeding behavior and effects on host plant growth
James D. Hansen
A case of leucism in the western bluebird (Sialia mexicana)
Kevin L. Ellis and Jimmie R. Parrish
Influence of ponderosa pine overstory on forage quality in the Black Hills, South Dakota
Kieth E. Severson and Daniel W. Uresk
Checklist of the Odonata of Colorado
Mary Alice Evans