Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 47, Number 4 (1987)
Front Matter
Records of exotic fishes from Idaho and Wyoming
Walter R. Courtenay Jr., C. Richard Robins, Reeve M. Bailey, and James E. Deacon
Revision of Sahniocarpon harrisii Chitaley & Patil based on new specimens from the Deccan Intertrappean Beds of India
E. M. V. Nambudiri, William D. Tidwell, and Shya Chitaley
Thermal tolerances and preferences of fishes of the Virgin River system (Utah, Arizona, Nevada)
James E. Deacon, Paul B. Schumann, and Edward L. Stuenkel
Six new Scolytidae (Coleoptera) from Mexico
Stephen L. Wood
Genetic variation and population structure in the cliff chipmunk, Eutamias dorsalis, in the Great Basin of western Utah
Martin L. Dobson, Clyde L. Pritchett, and Jack W. Sites Jr.
Observations on the ecology and trophic status of Lake Tahoe (Nevada and California, USA) based on the algae from three independent surveys (1965–1985)
Sam L. VanLandingham
Zonation patterns in the vascular plant communities of Benton Hot Springs, Mono County, California
Jack D. Brotherson and Samuel D. Rushforth
Small-stone content of Mima mounds of the Columbia Plateau and Rocky Mountain regions: implications for mound origin
George W. Cox, Christopher G. Gakahu, and Douglas W. Allen
Type specimens of recent mammals in the Utah Museum of Natural History, University of Utah
Eric A. Rickart
Avian use of scoria rock outcrops
Mark A. Rumble
Colorado ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from the Rotger Collection, University of Colorado Museum
Scott A. Elias
Winter habitat-use pattern of elk, mule deer, and moose in southwestern Wyoming
Olin O. Oedekoven and Fredrick G. Lindzey
Herbivorous and parasitic insect guilds associated with Great Basin wildrye (Elymus cinereus) in southern Idaho
Berta A. Youtie, Michael Stafford, and James B. Johnson
Effects of forest fuel smoke on dwarf mistletoe seed germination
G. Thomas Zimmerman and Richard D. Laven
Microvelia rasilis Drake in Arizona: a species new to the United States (Heteroptera: Veliidae)
John T. Polhemus and Milton W. Sanderson
End Matter
Full Issue