Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 43, Number 3 (1983)
Front Matter
A re-evaluation of the postglacial vegetation of the Laramie Basin, Wyoming–Colorado
Deborah L. Elliott-Fisk, Betty S. Adkins, and Jeanine L. Spaulding
Comparative life history and floral characteristics of desert and mountain floras in Utah
Patrick D. Collins, Kimball T. Harper, and Burton K. Pendleton
Flora of the Lower Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah and Colorado, Part I. Paraphyllanthoxylon utahense
G. F. Thayne, W. D. Tidwell, and W. L. Stokes
Aculeata Hymenoptera of Sand Mountain and Blow Sand Mountains, Nevada
R. W. Rust, L. M. Hanks, and R. C. Bechtel
Status and life history notes on the native fishes of the Alvord Basin, Oregon and Nevada
Jack E. Williams and Carl E. Bond
Kramer Palouse natural area
Del W. Despain and Grant A. Harris
Winter food habits of cougars from northeastern Oregon
Chris Maser and Ronald S. Rohweder
A new species of Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae) from the Uinta Basin, Utah
Elizabeth Neese and Stanley L. Welsh
A comparative study of coyote food habits on two utah deer herds
Jordan C. Pederson and R. Cary Tuckfield
A small carnivore survey technique
Tim W. Clark and Thomas M. Campbell III
Evaluation of Draba oligosperma, D. pectinipila, and D. juniperina complex (Cruciferae)
Robert W. Lichvar
Presence of maxillary canine teeth in mule deer in Utah
Jordan C. Pederson
Comparative successional roles of trembling aspen and lodgepole pine in the Southern Rocky Mountains
Albert J. Parker and Kathleen C. Parker
Plant and soil relationships in two hydrothermally altered areas of the Breat Basin
N. M. Milton and T. L. Purdy
Plasticity and polymorphism in seed germination of Mimulus guttatus (Scrophulariaceae)
Robert K. Vickery Jr.
Predatory behavior of larval Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum on Limnephilus (Trichoptera) larvae
Joseph R. Holomuzki
Notes on reproduction of the side-blotched lizard Uta stansburiana stansburiana in southwest Idaho
George Bakewell, Joseph M. Chopek, and Gary L. Burkholder
Observations on alpine vegetation near Schoolroom Glacier, Teton Range, Wyoming
John R. Spence and Richard J. Shaw
Winter stomach contents of South Dakota badgers
E. Blake Hart and Michael Trumbo
A list of Utah spiders, with their localities
Dorald M. Allred and B. J. Kaston
End Matter
Full Issue