Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 41, Number 2 (1981)
Front Matter
Dispersal and dispersion of an introduced population of Sylvilagus floridanus
B. J. Verts and Leslie N. Carraway
The 1900 invasion of alien plants into southern Idaho
Dana L. Yensen
A sagebrush wilt disease of unknown cause
David L. Nelson and Richard G. Krebill
On the typification of Salvia dorrii (Lamiaceae)
Jeffrey L. Strachan and James L. Reveal
Parasites of Indochinese refugees entering Utah County, Utah: a two-year survey
Richard A. Heckmann and Bruce A. Coleman
Evaluating the relationship between mule deer pellet-group data and available winter range, using LANDSAT imagery
John W. Wyckoff
A new pulvinate Eriogonum (Polygonaceae) from Utah
James L. Reveal
A checklist of the alpine vascular flora of the Teton Range, Wyoming, with notes on biology and habitat preferences
John R. Spence and Richard J. Shaw
Overwinter survival of ring-necked pheasants in Utah
Alan K. Wood and Jack D. Brotherson
Diets of sympatric red foxes and coyotes in southeastern Idaho
Jeffrey S. Green and Jerran T. Flinders
The effect of elevated temperature on copper toxicity to the thermophilic alga Synechococcus lividus (Cyanophyceae)
L. E. Riley and M. L. Ostrofsky
Montia linearis (Portulacaceae): a new record for Utah
Stephen L. Clark and Robert Graybosch
First record of the spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) from Oregon
Ellen E. McMahon, Clifford C. Oakley, and Stephen P. Cross
End Matter
Full Issue