Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 31, Number 4 (1971)
Front Matter
Life history aspects of the tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum mavortium) in the Chihuahuan Desert
Robert G. Webb and William L. Roueche
Notes on the life history of Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum Hallowell in Utah
Wilmer W. Tanner, D. Lowell Fisher, and Thomas J. Willis
Mollusca of Fish Springs, Juab County, Utah: rediscovery of Stagnicola pilsbryi (Hemphill, 1890)
Richard H. Russell
Ants of the National Reactor Testing Station
Dorald M. Allred and Arthur C. Cole Jr.
The snake genus Amastridium in Oaxaca, Mexico
Hobart M. Smith
Nomenclatural problems concerning the generic and familial names for the New Zealand and American ribbed frogs
James D. Fawcett and Hobart M. Smith