Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 31, Number 3 (1971)
Front Matter
The algae of Utah Lake, Part II
William J. Harding
The lizard Leiolopisma smithi Cochran: a junior secondary homonym of Mocoa smithii Gray
James D. Fawcett and Hobart M. Smith
The lethal decline of mesquite on the Casa Grande National Monument
B. Ira Judd, James M. Laughlin, Herbert R. Guenther, and Royal Handegarde
New records of lace bugs from Nevada (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
Richard C. Froeschner
Ecological notes on recently described myriapods from Nevada
Dorald M. Allred
Solpugids of the National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho
Dorald M. Allred and Martin H. Muma
The yellow perch fisheries of Deer Creek Reservoir, Utah, with notes on parasitism by Ligula intestinalis
Gale R. Lewellen and David A. White
Conifers of the San Francisco Mountains, San Rafael Swell, and Roan Plateau
Ronald M. Lanner and Ronald Warnick
Albinism in Thomomys talpoides from Colorado
G. Keith LaVoie, Howard P. Tietjen, and Michael W. Fall
Ilex rushforthii, a new name
James L. Reveal
Burrowing habits of two subspecies of Dipodomys merriami in California and Utah
Gerhard K. Bienek and Albert W. Grundmann
End Matter
Full Issue