Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 28, Number 1 (1968)
Front Matter
New records and species of Neotropical bark beetles (Scolytidae: Coleoptera). Part III
Stephen L. Wood
Undescribed species of Nearctic Tipulidae (Diptera) VIII
Charles P. Alexander
Distributional aspects of Pinus ponderosa in northwestern Nebraska
John L. Main and Elray S. Nixon
Ametroproctus: a new genus of charassobatid mites from the United States. (Acari: Cryptostigmata: Charassobatidae)
Harold G. Higgins and Tyler A. Woolley
The ermine in western Utah
Elbert J. Lowry and Harold J. Egoscue
Book notice. Taxonomic review: Miridae of the Nevada Test Site and the western United States
Vasco M. Tanner