Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 22, Number 1 (1962) – Number 3
Front Matter
Undescribed species of Nearctic Tipulidae (Diptera). II.
Charles P. Alexander
A new myrmecophilous lacebug from Panama (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
Carl J. Drake and Richard C. Froeschner
Studies in Nearctic desert sand dune Orthoptera, Part V. A new genus and two new species of giant sand treader camel crickets with keys and notes
Ernest R. Tinkham
Bibliography of Utah aquatic biology, No. II
Earl M. Christensen
The Dytiscidae (Coleoptera) of Utah: keys, original citation, types and Utah distribution
Russell D. Anderson
Miscellaneous taxonomic notes on Scolytidae (Coleoptera)
Stephen L. Wood
Disturbance of mammal traps by jack rabbits
Clive D. Jorgensen
A new species of Eremaeus from the western United States (Acarina: Oribatei, Eremaeidae)
Harold G. Higgins
End Matter
Full Issue