Great Basin Naturalist
Volume 17, Number 1 (1957) – Number 2
Front Matter
New Poecilanthrax, with notes on described species (Diptera: Bombylidae)
D. Elmer Johnson and Lucile Maughan Johnson
A new Caeculus from Oregon (Acarina: Caeculidae)
Harold G. Higgins and Stanley B. Mulaik
An albino swallow in Utah
D. Elmer Johnson
Scolopendrid chilopods of the northern Andes Region taken on the California Academy South America Expedition of 1954–1955
Ralph V. Chamberlin
Oviposition habits of the tick Dermacentor parumapertus Neumann and factors influencing egg development
Clive D. Jorgensen
Notes on a collection of amphibians and reptiles from southern Mexico, with a description of a new Hyla
Wilmer W. Tanner
Joseph Richard Slevin (1881–1957)
Vasco M. Tanner