Deseret Language and Linguistic Society Symposium
Volume 5, Issue 1 (1979)
Front Matter
Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
A Structural and Generative Study of the Phoneme /t/ Spanish
S. Addison Everett
Some Observations on the Language of Hymns
Samuel C. Monson
A Taxonomy for Stylistics
Camille Stilson Williams
Pirsig and Derrida: The Priority of Rhetoric
Marden J. Clark
Linguistics as a Cultural Activity
John L. Sorenson
Changes in the Kekchi Pronominal System
John Bringhurst
Case Shift and Verb Concord in Georgian
Kim Braithwaite
Natural Syntax for Navajo
Kip Canfield
A Cross-sectional Study of the Acquisition of Grammatical Morphemes of Adult L2 Learners in Formal Environments
Mary Ann Christison
Experimental Studies Utilizaing Native-Language Options on Language Tests
Harold S. Madsen and Sheila Maluf
English for Latter-day Saints
Lynn Henrichsen
Talking Mormon: Ordinary Language for Special Purposes
Patricia T. McNaughton
Meaning in the Numberline
John S. Robertson
Activity, Action, Act
James Gallant
On the Sound Shape of Language
Linda R. Waugh
The Wizardry of As
Jill E. Peterson
Its - An Interactive Translation System
Alan K. Melby
Communication Games in the Language Class
John Harvey
Full Issue
Deseret Language and Linguistics Society