Deseret Language and Linguistic Society Symposium
Volume 15, Issue 1 (1989)
Front Matter
Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
The Sacred and the Holy in the Book of Mormon
Kim Claussen
The Language of Orson Hyde's "Ein Ruf aus der Wüste"
Marvin H. Folsom
Truth and Language
Chauncey C. Riddle
Metatext: Computerized Materials for the Study of Shakespeare's Language
Mark L. Reynolds and Camille S. Williams
The Reaccentuation of French Text
Deryle W. Lonsdale
What Every Would-be Translator Should Know About Translation
Marian McMaster-Labrum
Topic Development in Australian Aboriginal English Texts
William Eggington
Is "He" Considered a Gender Neutral Pronoun?
Joni Marie Kroepelin
A Computer Rhyming Dictionary/Research Tool
Melvin J. Luthy and Robert Stevens
Automatic Recognition of Relative Clauses with Missing Relative Pronoun
Kenton L. Chauncey
Computer Analysis of Aymara Morphology: A Two-Level, Finite-State Approach
Kenneth R. Beesley and Stuart N. Newton
Syntactic Complexity in Virgil's Aeneid
Russell Bateman
Natural Language Processing Applied to a Data Base of Engineering Design Documents
Larry E. Wood, Randy L. Orr, and Alan R. Parkinson
Computer Assisted Spanish Applications (CASA)
Barbara Gordon and Earlene Sudweeks
Yiddish and ASL: A Look at Linguistic Prejudice
Danial Parvas
Teaching a Man to Fish
Wendy B. Taylor
For the Want of a Nail: Should We Teach Pronunciation to Teach Grammar?
Alan Carter Covell
Full Issue
Deseret Language and Linguistics Society