Deseret Language and Linguistic Society Symposium
Volume 12, Issue 1 (1986)
Front Matter
Deseret Language and Linguistics Society
The Variety of Scripts and Reading
Insup Taylor
Research on the Variety of Scripts
Insup Taylor
Language, Culture, and Discourse
Joel Sherzer
Grammar, Style, and Discourse An Empirical Look at Modern Standard Arabic Complementation in the Newspaper, Al-Ahram
R. Kirk Belnap
Effect of Feedback on State Anxiety and Performance While Learning Arabic Vocabulary Through Computer Assisted Instruction
Aniseh Hanania
Constraints on Optional Pronoun Use in Spoken Egyptian Arabic
Aniseh Hanania and Dilworth B. Parkinson
Anaphoric Binding in Lexical-Functional Grammar
Dan W. Higinbotham
Sex Differences in Mexican Adolescents' Speech: An Analysis of Speech Rate and Hesitation Phenomena
Teresa H. Johnson and Edward J. Sabin
Sentence-Combining for ESL Students
Elray L. Pedersen
The Basic Unit of Human Communication
Chauncey C. Riddle
Learner Expectations and the Promotion of Language Acquisition in the FL Classroom
Steven R. Sternfeld
Baxtin: The "Disputed" Texts
Susan Bennett-Matteo
Has Philology Become Linguistics?: A Post-Deconstructionist View of Language and Literature
Arthur H. King
Language as "Always Already" Metaphor: The Primacy of Writing in Vico, Derrida, and Said
Sante Matteo
Mimesis in King Lear
Camille S. Williams
Epanalepsis in the Book of Mormon
Larry G. Childs
A Systematic Examination of the Terms Heart, Mind, Might, and Strength as Used in the Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Neil J. Flinders and Paul Wangemann
Four Recent German Bible Translations
Marvin H. Folsom
Full Issue
Deseret Language and Linguistics Society