Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Energy Process Enabled by Cryogenic Carbon Capture, Mark Jensen
The Effect of Microstructure On Transport Properties of Porous Electrodes, Serena Wen Peterson
Stochastic Simulation of Lagrangian Particle Transport in Turbulent Flows, Guangyuan Sun
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Preparation of Active, Stable Supported Iron Catalysts and Deactivation by Carbon of Cobalt Catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Kamyar Keyvanloo
Gasification of Biomass, Coal, and Petroleum Coke at High Heating Rates and Elevated Pressure, Aaron D. Lewis
Enhancement of Mass Transfer and Electron Usage for Syngas Fermentation, James J. Orgill
Measurement and Modeling of Fire Behavior in Leaves and Sparse Shrubs, Dallan R. Prince
Optimized Photogrammetric Network Design with Flight Path Planner for UAV-based Terrain Surveillance, Ivan Yair Rojas
Engineering Cell-Free Systems for Vaccine Development, Self-Assembling Nanoparticles and Codon Reassignment Applications, Mark T. Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Aqueous Henry's Law Constants, Infinite Dilution Activity Coefficients, and Water Solubility: Critically Evaluated Database, Experimental Analysis, and Prediction Methods, Sarah Ann Brockbank
A Kinetic Study of Aqueous Calcium Carbonate, Derek Daniel Harris
Foundational Work in Bioelectrochemical Anaerobic Reactor Design with Electron Mediators, Christopher D. Hoeger
Novel Liposomes for Targeted Delivery of Drugs and Plasmids, Marjan Javadi
A Dynamic Optimization Framework with Model Predictive Control Elements for Long Term Planning of Capacity Investments in a District Energy System, Jose Luis Mojica Velazquez
The Effect of Carbon Additives on the Microstructure and Performance of Alkaline Battery Cathodes, Douglas Robert Nevers
Cryogenic Carbon Capture using a Desublimating Spray Tower, Bradley J. Nielson
Immobilized Viologen Polymer for Use in Direct Carbohydrate Fuel Cells, Yining Pan
Application of One Dimensional Turbulence (ODT) to Model Fire Spread Through Biomass Fuel Bed, Abinash Paudel
The Effects of Mismatches and Probe Tethering Configurations on the Stability of DNA Duplexes on Surfaces, Kyle Evan Pratt
Molecular Modeling of DNA for a Mechanistic Understanding of Hybridization, Terry Jacob Schmitt
Comfort and Compatibility of Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses, Ngai Keung Tam
Protein-Surface Interactions with Coarse-Grain Simulation Methods, Shuai Wei
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Multi-Processor Computation of Thrombus Growth and Embolization in a Model of Blood-Biomaterial Interaction Based on Fluid Dynamics, Brandon Thomas Andersen
Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium of Biodiesel Components, Joseph C. Bell
UV Visible Spectra Analysis of High Temperature Water Gas Shift Catalysts Made from Iron, Lanthanum, Copper, and Chromium Oxides, Jared C. Brown
Novel Iron Catalyst and Fixed-Bed Reactor Model for the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Kyle Martin Brunner
Thermodynamic Kinetics and Efficiency Analysis of Methyl Viologen, Chang Chen
Understanding Noble Metal Addition in Cobalt Fischer Tropsch Catalysts, Kari Marie Cook
Homogeneous Viologens for Use as Catalysts in Direct Carbohydrate Fuel Cells, Dane C. Hansen
Ultrasound-Induced Phase Change of Emulsion Droplets for Targeted Gene and Drug Delivery, James R. Lattin
Simulations of Controlled Fires Using the One-Dimensional Turbulence Model with Application to Fire Spread in Wildland Fires, Elizabeth Ida Monson
Chemical Potential Perturbation: A Method to Predict Chemical Potential Using Molecular Simulations, Stan G. Moore
Streamlined Extract Preparation for E. coli-Based Cell-Free Protein Synthesis and Rapid Site-Specific Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids in Proteins, Prashanta Shrestha
Site-Specific Metallization of Multiple Metals on a Single DNA Origami Template, Bibek Uprety
Syngas Impurity Effects on Cell Growth, Enzymatic Activities and Ethanol Production via Fermentation, Deshun Xu
Performance Characteristics of Lithium Coin Cells for Use in Wireless Sensing Systems, Yin Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Surface Modification of Liposomes Containing Nanoemulsions, Jonathan Michael Hartley
Pyrolysis Kinetics and Chemical Structure Considerations of a Green River Oil Shale and Its Derivatives, James L. Hillier
Thermodynamic, Sulfide, Redox Potential, and pH Effects on Syngas Fermentation, Peng Hu
Failing Drop CO2 Deposition (Desublimation) Heat Exchanger for the Cryogenic Carbon Capture Process, David William James
Sawdust Pyrolysis and Petroleum Coke CO2 Gasification at High Heating Rates, Aaron D. Lewis
Eddy Impaction As An Ash Deposition Mechanism: A Theoretical And Experimental Investigation, Minmin Li
Selective Deposition of Metallic and Semiconductor Materials onto DNA Templates for Nanofabrication, Jianfei Liu
Prediction of Fluid Dielectric Constants, Jiangping Liu
Chemical Templating by AFM Tip-Directed Nano-Electrochemical Patterning, Kyle A. Nelson
Effects of Pressure on the Properties of Coal Char Under Gasification Conditions at High Initial Heating Rates, Randy C. Shurtz
Modeling Solid Propellant Ignition Events, Daniel A. Smyth
Microstructure and Transport Properties of Porous Li-ion Electrodes, David E. Stephenson
Phospholipid Transport in Silicon Hydrogel Contact Lenses, Yibei Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Flammability Limits, Flash Points, and Their Consanguinity: Critical Analysis, Experimental Exploration, and Prediction, Jeffrey R. Rowley
Syngas Fermentation: Quantification of Assay Techniques, Reaction Kinetics, and Pressure Dependencies of the Clostridial P11 Hydrogenase, Bradley E. Skidmore
The Structure and Stability of Alpha-Helical, Orthogonal-Bundle Proteins on Surfaces, Shuai Wei
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Deposition of Particulate from Coal-Derived Syngas on Gas Turbine Blades Near Film Cooling Holes, Weiguo Ai
Investigation of Additives for Use in Electroless Plating Solutions for Fabrication of Nanowires, Elliott J. Bird
Redox, Pressure and Mass Transfer Effects on Syngas Fermentation, Allyson White Frankman
Laser Levitation of Solid Particles for Combustion and Gasification Applications, Skigh E. Lewis
Optimizing the Release and Methylation of Bacterial Endospore Dipicolinic Acid, Aaron N. Nackos
A New Model for Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions Near the Critical Point of Water Incorporating Aqueous Reaction Equilibria, Craig J. Peterson
Studies of Coal Nitrogen Release Chemistry for Oxyfuel Combustion and Chemical Additives, John M. Sowa
Prediction of Fluid Viscosity Through Transient Molecular Dynamic Simulations, Jason Christopher Thomas
Understanding Performance--Limiting Mechanisms in Li-ION Batteries for High-Rate Applications, Indrajeet Vilasrao Thorat
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Development and Evaluation of a Sub-Grid Combustion Model for a Landscape Scale 3-D Wildland Fire Simulator, Michael M. Clark
Vapor-liquid Equilibrium of Polymer Solutions During Thermal Decomposition of Rigid Foams, Nathan H. King
The Development of a Computational Model of Thrombosis in Hemodialysis Catheters, Daniel J. Lattin
Mechanistic Investigation of Ash Deposition in Pulverized-Coal and Biomass Combustion, Shrinivas Sadashiv Lokare
Microkinetic Model of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on Iron Catalysts, Uchenna Prince Paul
Effects of Moisture on Combustion of Live Wildland Forest Fuels, Brent M. Pickett
Modeling of Electronic and Ionic Transport Resistances Within Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes, David E. Stephenson
Multidimensional Modeling of Solid Propellant Burning Rates and Aluminum Agglomeration and One-Dimensional Modeling of RDX/GAP and AP/HTPB, Matthew Wilder Tanner
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Structure and Nitrogen Chemistry in Coal, Biomass, and Cofiring Low-NOx Flames, Bradley David Damstedt
High-Frequency Ultrasound Drug Delivery and Cavitation, Mario Alfonso Diaz
Continuous Co-Separation by Liquid Absorption in Aqueous Cuprous Chloride (CuCl) and Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) Solution, Paul J. Foster
A New Method for Treating Wells in Reservoir Simulation, Gregory M. Gessel
Two-Dimensional Modeling of AP/HTPB Utilizing a Vorticity Formulation and One-Dimensional Modeling of AP and ADN, Matthew L. Gross
Modeling Three Reacting Flow Systems with Modern Computational Fluid Dynamics, Ralph J. Price
Pharmacokinetics of Ultrasonically-Released, Micelle-Encapsulated Doxorubicin in the Rat Model and its Effect on Tumor Growth, Bryant J. Staples
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Statistical Methods For Kinetic Modeling Of Fischer Tropsch Synthesis On A Supported Iron Catalyst, Brian L. Critchfield
Poisoning and Sulfation on Vanadia SCR Catalyst, Xiaoyu Guo
Modeling and Data Analysis of Conductive Polymer Composite Sensors, Hua Lei
A Plastic-Based Thick-Film Li-Ion Microbattery for Autonomous Microsensors, Qian Lin
Experimental and Modeling Investigations of Biomass Particle Combustion, Hong Lu
Black Liquor Droplet Combustion and Modeling, Warren Benjamin Roberts
Fuel-NOx Formation during Low-Grade Fuel Combustion in a Swirling-Flow Burner, Chunyang Wu
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Autologous Fibrinogen Purification and Concentration For Use in Fibrin Sealant, Steven M. Alston
MPSA Effects on Copper Electrodeposition: Understanding Molecular Behavior at the Electrochemical Interface, Clint Gordon Guymon
A New Method for the Rapid Calculation of Finely-Gridded Reservoir Simulation Pressures, Benjamin Arik Hardy
Comprehensive Black Liquor Droplet Combustion Studies, Leong-Teng Ip
Properties Model for Aqueous Sodium Chloride Solutions near the Critical Point of Water, Bing Liu
Biofilm Removal Using Bubbles and Sound, Michael R. Parini
Generation of Biomarkers from Anthrax Spores by Catalysis and Analytical Pyrolysis, Phillip R. Smith
Effects of Moisture on Combustion Characteristics of Live California Chaparral and Utah Foliage, Steven G. Smith
Effects of Pressure on Coal Pyrolysis at High Heating Rates and Char Combustion, Dong Zeng
Stable Polymer Micelle Systems as Anti-cancer Drug Delivery Carriers, Yi Zeng