BYU Studies Quarterly

Front Matter
Those They Left Behind
Chad M. Orton
The Use of Gethsemane by Church Leaders, 1859–2018
John Hilton III and Joshua P. Barringer
Into Arabia: Lehi and Sariah’s Escape from Jerusalem
Warren P. Aston
Captain Moroni’s Revelation
Duane Boyce
Full Issue
End Matter
Lot Smith: Mormon Pioneer and American Frontiersman
Hannah Charlesworth
Life beyond the Grave: Christian Interfaith Perspectives
Alec Joseph Harding
At least in heaven there’s food.
Jared Pearce
Merrijane Rice
Green Things
Sarah Dunster
January Night
Susan Jeffers
A Preparatory Redemption: Reading Alma 12–13
Charles Harrell
Mary Whitmer and Moroni
Robert T. Pack
Book Reviews
Your Sister in the Gospel: The Life of Jane Manning James, a Nineteenth-Century Black Mormon
Carter Charles
Bible Culture and Authority in the Early United States
Kent P. Jackson