BYU Studies Quarterly
Front Matter
From the Editor
Steven C. Harper
Sarah Louisa Bouton Felt: Thousands Called Her Mother
RoseAnn Benson
Doing Business in the World without Becoming Worldly
Lindon J. Robison, David R. Just, and Jeffery R. Oliver
Who Is Leaving the Church?
Stephen Cranney
Full Issue
Name as Key-Word: Collected Essays on Onomastic Wordplay and the Temple in Mormon Scripture by Matthew L. Bowen
Jennifer Hurlbut
Six Afterlives
Scott Hales
Better and Worse
Hollie J. Wise
Book Reviews
The Demands of Poetry: A Review of Collections Published in 2018 by Latter-day Saint Authors
Susan Elizabeth Howe and Casualene Meyer
Sister Saints: Mormon Women since the End of Polygamy By Colleen McDannell
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Contemporary Mormon Pageantry: Seeking after the Dead By Megan Sanborn Jones
Melissa Leilani Larson
Danish but Not Lutheran: The Impact of Mormonism on Danish Cultural Identity, 1850–1920
Jason A. Kerr
Faithful and Fearless: Major Howard Egan, Early Mormonism and the Pioneering of the American West
Brett D. Dowdle
We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout: The Life and Times of W. W. Phelps By Bruce A. Van Orden
Donald Q. Cannon