BYU Studies Quarterly

Understanding Christian Baptism through the Book of Mormon
Noel B. Reynolds
Rediscovering Provo's First Tabernacle with Ground-Penetrating Radar
John H. McBride, Emily Utt, R. William Keach II, and Benjamin C. Pykles
A History of NaHoM
Warren P. Aston
Why Things Move: A New Look at Helaman 12:15
David A. Grandy
Surviving by Faith: German Latter-day Saints and World War II
Lynn M. Hansen and Faith D. Hansen
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BYU Studies
To the Peripheries of Mormondom: The Apostolic Around-the-World Journey of David O. McKay, 1920–1921
Kaitlyn S. Hedge, Hugh J. Cannon, and Reid L. Neilson
World Trade and Biological Exchanges before 1492
Eric N. Jellen, John L. Sorenson, and Carl L. Johannessen
The Right Place
Sally Stratford
Rabbi, Where Dwellest Thou?
Mark D. Bennion
Tempering: Of Tree Houses and Tragedies
Kylie N. Turley
Book Reviews
Joseph Smith Papers. Manuscript Revelation Books, facsimile edition
Robin S. Jensen, James B. Allen, Robert J. Woodford, and Steven C. Harper
Parley P. Pratt: The Apostle Paul of Mormonism and Parley P. Pratt and the Making of Mormonism
Matthew J. Grow, Gregory K. Armstrong, Dennis J. Siler, Edward A. Geary, and Terryl L. Givens
Who Chose the Gospels? Probing the Great Gospel Conspiracy
Lincoln H. Blumell and C. E. Hill
The Mormon Menace: Violence and Anti-Mormonism in the Postbellum South
Patrick Q. Mason and Heather M. Seferovich
Scribal Culture and the Making of the Hebrew Bible
Karel van der Toorn and Robert L. Maxwell
The Lonely Polygamist
Brady Udall and Angela Hallstrom