BYU Studies Quarterly

Introductory Pages
BYU Studies
A Declaration to the World
Gordon B. Hinckley
The British Contribution to the Restored Gospel
Robert D. Hales
The Book of Mormon in the English Literary Context of 1837
Gordon K. Thomas
Mormons in Victorian Manchester
Jan G. Harris
The Voyage of the Ellen Maria, 1853
Rulon A. Walker
Mormon Women in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Leonard J. Arrington
Publishing a Book of Mormon Poetry: The Harp of Zion
Thomas E. Lyon
George Q. Cannon and the British Mission
Donald Q. Cannon
Charles W. Penrose: The English Mission Years
Kenneth W. Godfrey
Full Issue
Full Issue
BYU Studies
End Matter
End Matter
BYU Studies
The Historians Corner
Oh! Brother Joseph; Historian's Corner
Ronald W. Walker and David H. Pratt