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Download 03_Chapter 1_What the Church Means to People Like Me.pdf (185 KB)

Download 04_Chapter 2_My Belief.pdf (181 KB)

Download 05_Chapter 3_Facing Spiritual Reality.pdf (240 KB)

Download 06_Chapter 4_From Farm Boy to Believer.pdf (214 KB)

Download 07_Chapter 5_The Faith of an Urban Mormon.pdf (197 KB)

Download 08_Chapter 6_On Finding Truth and God.pdf (200 KB)

Download 09_Chapter 7_The Core of My Belief.pdf (199 KB)

Download 10_Chapter 8_A Large and Reasonable Context.pdf (196 KB)

Download 11_Chapter 9_Faith and Knowledge.pdf (145 KB)

Download 12_Chapter 10_One Scientist's Spiritual Autobiography.pdf (178 KB)

Download 13_Chapter 11_The Landing.pdf (179 KB)

Download 14_Chapter 12_The Faith of a Psychologist.pdf (202 KB)

Download 15_Chapter 13_A Personal Revelation.pdf (210 KB)

Download 16_Chapter 14_Pillows of My Faith.pdf (153 KB)

Download 17_Chapter 15_The Habits of Belief.pdf (158 KB)

Download 18_Chapter 16_Lusterware.pdf (181 KB)

Download 19_Chapter 17_Reason and Revelation.pdf (237 KB)

Download 20_Chapter 18_Why I am a Believer.pdf (166 KB)

Download 21_Chapter 19_The Uniquely True Church.pdf (245 KB)

Download 22_Chapter 20_The Miracle of Faith the Miracle of Love.pdf (251 KB)

Download 23_Chapter 21_A Tested Testimony.pdf (189 KB)

Download 24_Chapter 22_The Pattern of Faith and Jolts of Joy.pdf (206 KB)

University Standing at Time of Publication

Full Professor


2016 Edition

Many individuals who are not Latter-day Saints have discovered that they admire Mormon ways; but, because of their reflective natures or their education, they have thus far been unable to take the Church itself seriously. Perhaps the essays will suggest to these people that there are others, also reflective and educated, to whom the gospel has proved a blessing. The essays should be equally instructive to those who misunderstand all questioning as apostasy, as well as those who think that the acceptance of any traditional view is intellectual compromise. Finally, I hope the book may serve to remind both intellectuals and those suspicious of the intellect that, though they may often remain in tension, the Spirit and the informed mind need not be perpetually at war.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. Richard D. Poll "What the Church Means to People Like Me"
  2. Richard L. Bushman "My Belief
  3. John T. Kesler "Facing Spiritual Reality"
  4. Kenneth W. Godfrey "From Farm Boy to Believer"
  5. Thomas G. Alexander "The Faith of an Urban Mormon"
  6. Eugene England "On Finding Truth and God: From Hope to Knowledge to Skepticism to Faith"
  7. Carlfred B. Broderick "The Core of My Belief"
  8. Francine Bennion "A Large and Reasonable Context"
  9. E. Gary Smith "Faith and Knowledge: Products of an Open Mind"
  10. Robert C. Fletcher "One Scientist's Spiritual Autobiography"
  11. Emma Lou Thayne "The Landing"
  12. Victor B. Cline "The Faith of a Psychologist: A Personal Document"
  13. Allen R. Barlow "A Personal Revelation"
  14. Mary L. Bradford "Pillows of My Faith"
  15. William Clayton Kimball "The Habits of Belief"
  16. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich "Lusterware"
  17. Noel B. Reynolds "Reason and Revelation"
  18. Leonard J. Arrington "Why I am a Believer"
  19. Philip L. Barlow "The Uniquely True Church"
  20. Bruce W. Young "The Miracle of Faith, the Miracle of Love: Some Personal Reflections"
  21. Richard L. Anderson "A Tested Testimony"
  22. Richard H. Cracroft


Mormon studies, essays, religious writing, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Christianity



Publication Date



A Thoughtful Faith: Essays on Belief by Mormon Scholars
