"The Blessed Circle and Tales of Woe" by Susan Pickett

AWE (A Woman’s Experience)


Susan Pickett


music composition, composer, Grout, Marion Bauer, Carla Schumann, Elfrida Andrée, Lousie Farrenc


A history of woman composers: The comprehensive history of music, revered as “The Grout,” fails to mention woman composers. Since 3000 B.C., over 6000 woman have composed alongside male colleagues; their work is largely neglected. There is a black hole of female composers. Despite praise and celebration during their lifetime, these women and their works are sucked out of history as though they never existed. Due to frantic and purposeful efforts, great composers like Marion Bauer, Carla Schumann, Elfrida Andrée, and Lousie Farrenc are receiving a second look at their works. There is a desperate rush to archive, gather, and show the world much of this work by woman composers before those works literally become dust.
