AWE (A Woman’s Experience)
Current Volume: Volume 10 (2023)
From the Editors
Dear reader,
Welcome to the 2023 edition of AWE: A Woman’s Experience. This issue has been long in the making, and we would like to thank all of our editors for their dedicated effort in producing this journal. Without their talent and hard work, this edition would not be possible, and we feel privileged to have them on our team. We would also like to extend special recognition to our faculty advisor, Dr. Marlene Esplin, as well as the Kennedy Center publication staff, Emily Nelson and Lenae Rubey. Their guidance has been invaluable throughout the production of this issue.
Thank you to everyone who submitted your pieces for publication in the journal. Although we could not publish all of the work we were sent, we loved reading about your experiences, and we are so grateful for your bravery in sharing your stories. Know that your articles, poems, and artworks have made an indelible impact on us. We believe that AWE occupies a unique space not only on BYU’s campus, but across the world, allowing women’s voices to be heard. We hope that the journal will help connect readers and authors through their shared experiences, thus empowering one another in our individual human journeys. Your work has certainly done so in our lives, and we hope that the pieces in this edition will have the same effect on all those who come across them.
This is the tenth issue of our journal and, with its publication, we continue to pursue those objectives. We hope that students, editors, authors, artists, and readers will continue to rally around this journal as a platform to see and be seen, to share and to learn, and, most importantly, to be reminded that they are never alone.
Eliza Peterson
Madsyn Selph
Emma Belnap
Grace Chipman
Full Issue
Front Matter
This is the Title
Ellen Amatangelo
Pilgrimage to a Common Shrine
Katie Ashton
The Women in the Wrong Uniform
Sarai Silva
Contraceptive Use, Intent, and Autonomy by Age in Nigeria
Johanna Esplin Hoffart
Abida Parveen
Katie Ashton
Who Feeds Mom?
Mikayla Johnson
Bodies of Women and Water
Emma Taylor
Why Are Utahns Paying Sales Tax on Tampons but Not Viagra?
Hannah Rigby Johnson
Painted Skies
Brilee Pontius
Empathy and Depression
A Friend
Hey, Beautiful
Alixa Brobbey
A Lady is Always Polite
Devon Thomas
Gracie Lynn
Amanda Reece
Zipper Lips (first person)
Emily May
All Things Denote
Rachel Sumsion
Gifts from Mother God
Emily Felt
Rage Like Blood
Emma Taylor
Tamar's Coat of Many Colors
Liesel Allen
Child of the Pure Unclouded Brow
Katie Ashton
Through the Veil
Naomi Worth
Split Ends
Naomi Worth
Mary Bearing Water and Child
Liesel Allen
Naomi Worth
Picture Perfect
Naomi Worth
The Mountainside Girl
Samuel Charles