
Water information platform, spatial data infrastructure, OGC services, data repurposing


Session A2: Sharing Scientific Environmental Data and Models

Start Date

18-6-2014 9:00 AM

End Date

18-6-2014 10:20 AM


The re-use of publicly funded governmental data has received a lot of attention recently. In the environmental domain, it is clear that improved public services need exchange of data across governments at all levels. Governments keep producing information products at all levels, and some of them are more or less readily available. Reporting obligations in the EC, for instance demanded by the Water Framework Directive (WFD), are direct inputs to European datasets. The technology base for advanced systems is supported by the OGC suite of standards and by encodings for water information.

Still re-use of data is not happening at large scale, and platforms, particularly those developed in R&D projects often do not survive long after the project. Recent discussions in the community have identified a fundamental gap between concepts, research and implementation. This gap is given by a) a distance between the modelling community / modelling environments and infrastructure developers / providers, b) a lack of tools supporting the uptake of infrastructures being built and a lack of understanding, how “repurposing” (re-use under different context of data can be supported.

This paper describes the concept of a water information platform which aims at making re-purposing of water information for water science seamlessly possible. This platform will be developed in the context of a European FP7 research project.


Jun 18th, 9:00 AM Jun 18th, 10:20 AM

An information platform fostering re-use of water data

Session A2: Sharing Scientific Environmental Data and Models

The re-use of publicly funded governmental data has received a lot of attention recently. In the environmental domain, it is clear that improved public services need exchange of data across governments at all levels. Governments keep producing information products at all levels, and some of them are more or less readily available. Reporting obligations in the EC, for instance demanded by the Water Framework Directive (WFD), are direct inputs to European datasets. The technology base for advanced systems is supported by the OGC suite of standards and by encodings for water information.

Still re-use of data is not happening at large scale, and platforms, particularly those developed in R&D projects often do not survive long after the project. Recent discussions in the community have identified a fundamental gap between concepts, research and implementation. This gap is given by a) a distance between the modelling community / modelling environments and infrastructure developers / providers, b) a lack of tools supporting the uptake of infrastructures being built and a lack of understanding, how “repurposing” (re-use under different context of data can be supported.

This paper describes the concept of a water information platform which aims at making re-purposing of water information for water science seamlessly possible. This platform will be developed in the context of a European FP7 research project.