
social skills instruction, parental involvement, home note program, education


If students are to become proficient at using social skills, parents must be involved in teaching and reinforcing these skills at home. Parent involvement is associated with increased student success, especially when it includes a two-way exchange of information between home and school. As the traditional family has changed, new methods of eliciting parent involvement are needed. This article presents a description and evaluation of a school-wide home note program used to encourage generalization of social skills taught in school to home settings. Teachers (n = 20), parents (n = 107), and students (n = 383) at an elementary school in the westem United States completed a survey asking them to rate the program in the following areas: favorability, effectiveness, ease of use, and desirability of continued use. Parents had highly favorable perceptions of the program, while students and teachers rated it somewhat favorably. Students and parents reported that home notes helped improve social skills. A majority of respondents agreed that home notes were easy to implement and should continue to be used. Implications for implementing a home note program are discussed.

Original Publication Citation

Adams, M. B., Womack, S. A., Shatzer, R. H., & Caldarella, P. (21). Parent involvement in school-wide social skills instruction: Practice and perceptions of a home note program. Education, 13(3), 513-528

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

Publication Date


Permanent URL






David O. McKay School of Education


Center for Improvement of Teacher Education and Schooling
