
trajectory optimization, optimal control, eVTOL, electric vertical takeoff and landing, vortex particle method, VPM, takeoff transition, hover


Trajectory optimization of aircraft transition maneuvers can significantly influence the design of these systems, particularly when making decisions about aircraft geometry, propulsion sizing, and control system design. This paper presents the trajectory optimization of air vehicles including electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) as well as conventional aircraft. The study evaluates the influence of fidelity in trajectory design by comparing the use of two aerodynamic methods in the context of trajectory optimization. The mid-fidelity method utilizes a vortex lattice method (VLM) to model lifting surfaces while employing blade element momentum theory (BEMT) to model rudimentary rotor-wing interactions. The high-fidelity approach applies a vortex particle method (VPM) to model the wing and propeller geometries while capturing more complex wake interactions. This work also presents a trajectory optimization methodology that is well suited for high fidelity VPM simulations and overcomes many of the challenges associated with traditional methods such as robust convergence and computational cost. The new method is validated through a case study which leverages the VLM-BEMT model to compare results with that of a traditional shooting method. The method is then employed to optimize trajectories using the VPM to model both conventional and eVTOL aircraft.

Original Publication Citation

Tagg, A., Anderson, R., Joseph, C., and Ning, A., “Trajectory Optimization of eVTOL and Conventional Aircraft: A Comparative Analysis of Vortex Particle Method and Vortex Lattice + Blade Element Momentum Theory,” AIAA Aviation Forum, Las Vegas, Jul. 2024. doi:10.2514/6.2024-3587

Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date







Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

University Standing at Time of Publication

Associate Professor
