Many numeric models simulate the transport of sediment within rivers and streams. Engineers use such models to monitor the overall condition of a river or stream and to analyze the impact that the aggradation and degradation of sediment has on the stability of bridge piers and other features within a stretch of a river or stream. A model developed by the Federal Highway Administration, FST2DH, was recently modified to include the simulation of sediment movement within a channel. The tools for modeling sediment movement with FST2DH remain unproven. This thesis examines the sediment capabilities of FST2DH. It evaluates the sediment results for reasonableness and compares the results to those obtained from a sediment transport model developed by the Army Corps of Engineers, SED2D WES. Resulting concentrations from another program created by the Army Corps of Engineers, SAMwin, provide additional data comparison for FST2DH sediment solutions. Several test cases for laboratory flumes give additional insight into the model's functionality. Finally, this thesis suggests further enhancements for the sediment capabilities of the FST2DH model and provides direction for future research of the sediment transport capabilities of FST2DH. Results show that FST2DH appropriately models sediment movement in channels with clear-water and equilibrium transport rate inflow conditions. Transport formulas found to be functional include the Engelund—Hansen, Yang sand and gravel, and Meyer-Peter—Mueller equations. FST2DH has difficulty modeling channels with user-specified inflow concentrations or transport rates, models with very small particles, models containing hydraulic jumps, and models with small elements. The test cases that successfully run to completion provide appropriate patterns of scour and deposition. Other trends in the results further verify the functionality of many of the sediment transport options in FST2DH.
College and Department
Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology; Civil and Environmental Engineering
BYU ScholarsArchive Citation
Ipson, Mark K., "Analysis of the Sediment Transport Capabilities of FESWMS FST2DH" (2006). Theses and Dissertations. 769.
Date Submitted
Document Type
bed change, bedload transport, bed material load, computer model, delta, FESWMS, finite element, FLO2DH, FST2DH, hydraulic modeling, inflow concentration, numeric model, SAM, SAMwin, SED2D, SED2D WES, sediment, sediment concentration, sediment modeling, sediment movement, sedimentation, simple flume, SMS, transport, transport equations, transport rate