
The statistics of the amplitude, time and angle of arrival of multipaths in an indoor environment are all necessary components of multipath models used to simulate the performance of spatial diversity in receive antenna configurations. The model presented by Saleh and Valenzuela, was added to by Spencer et. al., and included all three of these parameters for a 7 GHz channel. A system was built to measure these multipath parameters at 2.4 GHz for multiple locations in an indoor environment. Another system was built to measure the angle of transmission for a 6 GHz channel. The addition of this parameter allows spatial diversity at the transmitter along with the receiver to be simulated. The process of going from raw measurement data to discrete arrivals and then to clustered arrivals is analyzed. Many possible errors associated with discrete arrival processing are discussed along with possible solutions. Four clustering methods are compared and their relative strengths and weaknesses are pointed out. The effects that errors in the clustering process have on parameter estimation and model performance are also simulated.



College and Department

Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology; Electrical and Computer Engineering



Date Submitted


Document Type





multipath, multipath propagation, propagation environment, indoor propagation, indoor multipath, indoor multipath propagation, channel probing, channel, probing, indoor wireless communications channel, indoor, wireless communications, indoor wireless communications, wireless, communications, wireless communications channel, MIMO, SISO, multiple input multiple output, single input single output, antenna diversity, antenna, diversity, antenna array, channel modeling, modeling, model, wireless propagation, clustering methods, clustering algorithms, clustering, parameter estimation, parameter, channel matrix, h matrix, ray tracing, point spread function, psf, deconvolution, clean, algorithm, clean algorithm, antenna pattern, network analyzer, temporal pattern, 2.4 ghz system, 6 ghz system, channel capacity, capacity estimate, channel capacity estimate, propagation environment, scattering, transfer matrix, matrix, water filling solution, water filling method, water filling, Saleh, Valenzuela, Saleh and Valenzuela Model, arrival, time of arrival, angle of arrival, direction of arrival, arrival amplitude, arrivals, antenna positioner, data, simulations, measurements, angle of departure, direction of departure, correlation, convolution, errors, error, CFA, CFAD, constant false alarm, constant false alarm detection, signal, signal dependent clutter, clutter, returns, transmitter, transmit, receive, receiver, transmit antenna, receive antenna, spatial correlation, system PSF, system point spread function, mapping, fuzzy c-means clustering, fuzzy clustering, c-means clustering, c-means, fuzzy, k-means, euclidean distance, time, amplitude, delay, performance prediction, performance prediction errors, fuzzy weighted distance method, rectangular method, weighted rectangular method, statistics, statistical, statistical model


